15 February 2012

Roller Skating = Pain.

The PTA at the kids elementary school raised money for the kids to have a free skate night. The kids have not had a lot of experience roller skating. Troy and I decided to sit and watch our children get hurt.
Can you all imagine Troy roller skating?
OK, stop laughing.

Ella and Anna did great. Soren and Olivia had a harder time staying up.
Roller skating is dangerous. The kids had bumped mouths, heads, legs, arms and bruised butts.
Boy am I a good Mom just watching all of this. Anna and Ella would take turns with Olivia trying to help her.
It got so bad that the last time Olivia fell, she didn't want to get up.
"Help.......me..........Mom.... save........me....."
Soren fell and pulled his groin muscle and was in tears. So we packed up the kids and took them for an ice cream cone at DQ.
I don't think rollerskating is going to become one of my kids hobbies.
Although, I may join a roller derby group.
Just Sayin'!

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