19 April 2010

Crazy hike.

This was at the very "end" of our hike. Troy got a picture of my end with the first aid pack. This pack is a must have with our family. With out fail, someone is always getting hurt. This is the result of two parents with no coordination having children. The odds weren't good that we would have coordinated children.

Izzie went straight for the water. I can't wait to get her out to the lake to do water training with her.

We spotted a piece of drift wood floating down the river. Olivia got so excited because she thought it was a crocodile. She is scared of beavers, but gets excited over crocodiles. Go figure!

There are moments in my life that I think all is absolutely bliss. This was one of those. Then it was gone in an instant when my 14 year old son was complaining about everything under the sun.

Our complaining 14 year old climbed a tree. It was really funny watching him try to get down.

Our girls taking a rest.

Soren finds anything and makes it a gun. I know some things are certain in life. Teenagers complain and Soren will make a gun out of anything.

While I was going through these pictures I just stopped at this one. I love this man. I love this man who puts up with me saying "let's take our 5 kids and 3 unruly dogs on a nature hike." I love this man who puts up with 5 fighting kids in the Suburban while his wife is screaming at all of them. I love this man who crawled into bed with me when we got home and took a nap with me because the kids fighting and not the hike exhausted us.

Call us dweebs, but look at our shirts. How funny is that. This is another reason I love this man. Matching shirts and the fact that he is pinching my bum trying to get frisky.

It was good for all of us to get outside and get a little sun. Can't wait to do it again.

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